
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Performance Marketing Alliance!

The Performance Marketing Alliance is a new professional association dedicated to bringing visibility and credibility to the performance marketing industry. They have talked with over 40 industry leaders over the past few weeks to determine if there was an interest in forming a professional association. The responses were unanimously YES!

While this has been tried a few times in the past, the time is now ripe for a change. Performance marketing has matured to a point where our collective voice is more powerful than our individual voices. Recent events such as misinformed legislation and mudslinging in mainstream press demonstrate that without a centralized credible voice for the industry, there will continue to be misrepresentation of performance marketing.

They are now in the formation phase where we are collecting input from performance marketing professionals. Here are links to surveys where they will capture your thoughts and ideas. I strongly recommend you have your say about the industry and the direction this industry association should take.

Graeme Eastman

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